The Company We Keepa solo show at Stranger Factory Gallery in Juy 2023 Groundswell Groundswell Groundswell Groundswell Schism Schism Schism Cups and Wands L'Inconnue L'Inconnue L'Inconnue Winnower Winnower The Hoarder The Hoarder Choked Up Choked Up Death of an Irrational Fear Death of an Irrational Fear Cede Cede Cede After the Seven of Pentacles Anxious-Avoidant The Consequences of Domestication The Consequences of Domestication The Consequences of Domestication Same/Not the Same Same/Not the Same Same/Not the Same First Steps Forfeit Forfeit Forfeit Forfeit Mentalese Mentalese Mentalese Obliged Obliged